I'm having a particularly good weekend and wanted to record it for my memories.
Friday morning, I was at Union, a coffee shop on Dyer Street that is part church, part community gathering space. I was there for a session on the difference between ordained and laity ministry. It was an interesting talk---I have absolutely no desire to become ordained, but I love hearing other people's stories about their calling. I enjoyed an iced latte and a (especially delicious) strawberry-banana smoothie over the course of my 4.5 hours there.
At 1, I returned home, quickly packed, and walked to the local DART station. I caught the 1:50 train to Rowlett and Mom came to pick me up. We ran errands and returned home where we got into the pool. It was my first time swimming in the pool all year, so it was particularly wonderful.
At 6, we left (with Dad in tow) to eat at Luigi's, the best Italian place in town. We then saw 1776 at the local theatre, a wonderful show that I fully enjoyed. I'd seen the movie in AP US History back in 11th grade, but I ADORE Revolutionary History and musicals, so I was totally up to see it again.
Saturday morning, Dad got me up at 7:30 (after not getting home until 11:30) and we went to ride our jet skis out on the local lake. It was wonderful--perfect temperature smooth waves, not many other water crafts Lovely, lovely. One day, I want to write a more detailed post on why I love jet--skiing. It was, once again, my first time to get on the jet skis for the year. We got home about 11, changed, ate our Italian leftovers, and then headed out (with Mom in tow) to see Monsters University at 12:30. I wanted to see it purely for nostalgia. I enjoyed it, but I'm definitely too old for cartoon movies--every single one of the previews just seemed so stupid to me.
After the movie, we went back home to nap. I slept for 2 hours--it had already been a long day and we still had more to do! At 5, we drove to the local airport and loaded up in Dad's plane to fly to Sulphur Springs. We walk across the road from the Sulphur Springs airport to eat at the Red Barn Cafe. We had delicious sea food and saw a host of interesting people as always--SS is much more rural than our town.
We flew back and then drove to the Harbor, a local shopping district by the lake. We set up lawn chairs by the lakefront and waited an hour for the Harbor's firework display--I of course had brought a book. The fireworks were spectacular, but they only lasted about 2 minutes so we decided we wouldn't go again. We came home, ate turtle ice cream, and then I stayed up far too late.
Sunday, I got up, packed up my things, and had Dad drive me to church at 9 am (Mom goes to the early service, which I've haven't gotten up for in about 2 years). I attended my College Sunday School class and then the contemporary service with Mom. Afterwards, we met Dad at the Harbor to eat at the newest restaurant there. It was a seafood joint--I had tilapia.
Mom had a visitation to go to, so Dad drove me back to my house in Dallas. We stopped at Target and then for shakes at Twisted Root Burger Company on the way back. Now, I'm home ready to begin week 4 of my internship!
I have so many things to write about, including my internship, my postcollege life and plans, and just day-to-day things. But I'm too busy at the moment. Maybe one day I'll get back to work on this blog. But for now, Happy Summer!!