We got up at 8, but it took us awhile to get down to breakfast. We didn’t leave the hotel until around 10. We took the subway out to Harvard. We went to the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology and the Harvard Museum of Natural History. They were both impeccably designed and managed. I got done early, and read my Kindle in the lobby. About 1:30, we walked to Harvard Square. We ate at Charlie’s Kitchen, a student hangout recommended by the museum front desk. Afterwards, we walked to the main library but couldn’t go in. : ( We also looked at the Divinity School and Law School. (Yes, I totally quoted Legally Blonde, what kind of woman do you think I am?) We ended by going to the Harvard Semitic Museum. We walked back to the subway and got back to the hotel at 5:30. We rested, then went for dinner at Mario’s, a local Italian place recommended by the hotel about 8. We had dessert—mine was the most delicious cannoli!
I liked Harvard, though it seemed like a typical college for all the hype said about it. Granted, I didn’t attend any classes or look at the dorm rooms or anything. Just looking at the student body though—if you took off their Harvard sweatshirts, they’d be average people. Walking around Harvard Square was interesting—Cambridge seems like a typical college town albeit richer. There’s an Urban Outfitters and a Lush in Harvard Square, along with a variety of other stores. But we ate at a restaurant in the square that was said to be a favorite student haunt and my entree only cost $6. The museums all clearly had money invested in them. There were professor offices throughout all three museums and it was interesting to peek in the windows.
I also like the red brick buildings of Harvard. I’ve always held that a college with red brick is the “standard,” despite going to two schools that have barely any red brick. I think I just like the romance of it, though the cold dissuades me from ever going to an Ivy League school.
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